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"Since working with Valéry, my daughter has opened up so much, she has been smiling and has been open about her feelings.  With Valéry's work, passion and background, it has been the best Christmas gift for herself and for us to be able to enjoy it together.  

After each session, she would come and talk with us about how she felt, how it went and how much her Tuesdays were helpful to her. That alone is worth the world to me as a mother. 


I know she still has work to do on her self-esteem and I know she will continue this growth journey with you. She now has the tools you gave her to tell herself it’s okay, tomorrow is a new day or the following week will be better."

- Fiona V.

In need of mental wellness support?

I Can Help!


My lived experience with mental illness, my training and my education have allowed me to develop a talent and an aptitude for guiding people through emotionally difficult times. I help them develop the tools needed to cope, support themselves, communicate with those in their lives and express and meet their emotional needs in a healthy way.

  • Developing healthy coping mechanisms

  • Working on healthy and effective communication

  • Better understanding and supporting the people in our life who struggle with mental health concerns

  • Accountability with regard to recovery and ineffective behaviours

  • Setting boundaries

  • Expressing our needs and asking for them to be met in a healthy way


The group is offered in 8 week cycles, including worksheets and concrete homework to better internalize and implement the concepts shared.

Here is the schedule, which remains the same for each cycle:

WEEK 1: Intro & Self-Care Assessment

WEEK 2: Building a Self-Care Plan

WEEK 3: Accountability

WEEK 4: Emotion Identification & Regulation

WEEK 5: Resilience

WEEK 6: Gratitude

WEEK 7: Self-Concept & Positive Self-Talk

WEEK 8: Boundaries & Empathy

Book a complimentary introduction call now!

Please note I operate in Eastern Standard Time.

Pre-Intro Call Form
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"I am a Marine vet with C-PTSD. I deal with depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, PTSD & am a survivor of childhood sexual trauma. Wow, words cannot properly express the amount of gratitude I have for Valéry. I have reached out to her in some of my darkest moments (including being suicidal) and her kindness, knowledge, personal understanding and validation have been one of the keys to my mental health healing. Simply put Valéry has been there for me when I needed her the most through kind yet very assertive words and advice. Thank you so much, you have made a very positive impact on my life by your words and example. Lastly I would trust anybody I cared about to your care and guidance. Thank you and God bless."

- Robert C., Veteran

"Having the one-on-one support of Valéry has been incredible. Her service is warm and generous, and always on topic. No matter how trivial or silly my anxieties may seem to me, her words always make me feel important, and I never feel like I’m wasting her time. She’s always focused on our conversations and leaves with plans moving forward, so we can work together to get through a problem. Anyone would be lucky to have access to her brilliance and support, and without it I would not be where I am today. Thank you Valéry!"

- Allison, University of Ottawa student

"Thank you so much again for this group: for all the work you put into it, and for the safe space it was to discuss these different tools for good mental health. Some of the things we discussed may not have been surprising, groundbreakingly new ideas for me, BUT they were excellent reminders of tangible things that I can do to keep myself well, in order to be able to teach and help others. I especially appreciated the lesson about the toolbox, and how the subsequent lessons fit into the toolbox. Sometimes it feels overwhelming to me to have to manage every aspect of all the different areas of my life, but that toolbox idea helped organize those ideas in a manageable, coherent structure."


Janice E.

My work is not that of a psychologist or a medical professional; my support is meant to supplement professional treatment. Part of our work together will include determining what professional help is best for you if applicable and how to commit to treatment should it be needed. Our sessions will be an addition to this treatment that provides empathetic emotional support, a non-judgemental ear and guidance in coping, communication, self-care and accountability.

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